Saturday, December 27, 2008


I would that you could dream my dreams.
Dreams of children smiling
Of Christmas the way it should be
The way it is meant to be
Of Yuletide the way it was.
Unselfish, a time of giving
Of sharing, of simple gifts
Given freely, quietly.

Of freshly fallen snow
Deep, cold, quiet
Wrapping itself
Around a sleeping world

Friday, December 26, 2008

Journey's End

Ahhh, There is nothing better after a long trip around the world than a thick robe (red, of course), the biggest mug of hot chocolate to warm the insides and soaking my feet in hot water. As usual, if I fall asleep I'll wake up hours later with a quilt thrown over me.

These old bones are weary right now. That "long winter's nap" sounds mighty nice.

Roscoe, you know Roscoe, don't you? He is my right hand elf. Anyway, Roscoe came in with bonus checks for me to sign. There are a few chores for the elves and I before they can slip away for a well deserved vacation. After the chores we will gather in the workshop, hand out the bonuses and say a few words of thanks to all. I always get a little teary eyed. We all know some of the teen elves are going off to school, maybe settling elsewhere. Mrs C. just smiles indulgently at me as I tell each of the teen elves goodbye. (She keeps an extra hankie handy too!)

After the sleigh is washed and waxed it will go in the barn till summer. The sleigh crew will do a good going over then. The reindeer will get brushed down and fed oats and molasses. They'll sleep a lot in the next week. We'll turn them out to roam till fall when they return ready for practice runs and flight school CEUs. Yep, they need training just like anyone else.

Oh well, too weary to write more.